Blade 11L

Flow|Debit: 1.70 m3/min
Power|Putere: 11.00 kW
Max. pressure|Presiune max: 8.00 BarG
Speed: Fixed

Sound Pressure Level: 67.00 dB(A)
Dimensions|Dimensiuni: 950x720x800 mm
Weight|Masa: 160.00 kg
!Dimensions and weight can vary for variants and accessories!
!Dimensiunile şi masa se pot modifica în funcţie de variantă şi accesorii!

Type|Tip: Rotary Vane
Manufacturer|Fabricant: Mattei


Rotary Vane Compressor Operating Principle
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pdf - 774.79 KB
Mattei Blade Broschure EN
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pdf - 1.14 MB
Mattei Blade 4-11 Broschure EN
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pdf - 795.58 KB


Integrated Refrigeration Dryer

Integrates a refrigerated dryer into cabinet. Reduces installation costs and space requirements.
Uscător prin răcire integrat.

Receiver | Recipient

Heaters Kit | Încălzire

Upgrade for outdoor use - Totaly Enclosed Fan Cooled Motor
Pachet pentru exterior

Condensate drain and separator | Separator de condens

The kit is composed of a condensate separator and a timed electronic drain.
Separator de condens cu timer electronic de evacuare

Maestro Expansion Kit

It allows the remote signaling of on/off controls by means of volt free contacts and hourly programming. If more compressors are connected (max. 4), it allows the sequence management.
Posibilitate de control de la distanţă, programare temporizată şi sincronizare cu alte compresoare.

External Refrigeration Dryer | Uscător prin refrigerare

Refrigeration dryers are based on the principle of condensation by compressed air cooling, through a refrigeration circuit. 
Uscătoarele prin refrigerare se bazează pe principiul condensării prin răcire a aerului comprimat.

Detalii | Details

External Adsorption Dryer | Uscător prin adsorbţie

Desiccant material is used to attracts the water from the compressed air via adsorbtion.
Un materialul deshidratant este folosit pentru a atrage apa din aerul comprimat prin adsorbție.

Detalii | Details

C4 - Anti-Dust Filter | Filtru anti-praf

Solids | solide > 25 micron

Detalii | Details

C3 - Pre-Filter | Pre-filtru

Solids | solide > 5 micron
Liquid | lichide > 5 mg/m3

Detalii | Details

C2 - Oil-Removing Filter | Filtru de îndepărtare a uleiului

Solids | solide > 1 micron
Liquid | lichide > 0.1 mg/m3

Detalii | Details

C1 - Oil-Removing Filter | Filtru de îndepărtare a uleiului

Solids | solide > 0.1 micron
Liquid | lichide > 0.01 mg/m3

Detalii | Details

CC - Activated Charcoal Filter | Filtru de carbon activ



News and articles

ABC Compressors

Staring with October 2019 Our Company officially become the partenr of ABC COMPRESSORS. Arizaga, Bastarrica y Cía, S.A. from Spain.

Since its foundation in 1943, ABC has provided the most reliable compressors for different applications. Its global orientation and the commitment for growth was shown from its early exports in the 50’s to its latest geographical expansion, having delivered compressors in more than 120 countries.

ISO 9001:2015

From now on our company is certified for engineering, sale, installation, commissioning and service for industrial technical equipment which has implemented and maintains a quality management system which fulfills the requirements of the standard 
SR EN ISO 9001:2015


With the recently upgraded website we introduced a new function called Compressor Configurator. With this utility you can choose step by step your future compressor and accessories which best fit your needs:

  1. Choose compressor
  2. Select Variants and Accessories
  3. Send Inquiry