Air treatment

A quality compressed air supply needs to be dry. The use of Mattei’s dryers removes the condensate from the compressors, preventing any damage to the compressed air distribution system. The presence of water in a system can cause leaks in pipes and increase the risk of damage to machinery and pneumatic devices. Also some applications require dry air in order to ensure a better quality of the final products.

Mattei’s complete line of advanced drying solutions, including both adsorption and refrigeration dryers, can be used to remove condensate from compressors, thereby preventing damage to compressed air distribution systems.

Mattei Refrigeration Dryers

Mattei's MD Series (direct expansion) refrigeration dryers are based on the principle of condensation by compressed air cooling, through a refrigeration circuit. The dryers are available in both the stand-alone version and integrated in the compressor.

Mattei Adsorption Dryers

Our adsorption (desiccant) dryers feature a compact design that can be installed as needed at the most critical plant locations. These dryers are heatless but still produce superior pressure dew points at low purge rates by using desiccant material to attract and adsorb water molecules.



The installation of an FM Series filter guarantees a cleaner compressed air. Their function is to separate air impurities, through a multi-stage process.



News and articles

BEKOMAT Condensate Drains

We can deliver complete BEKOMAT electronically level-controlled condensate drains and service kits as well. The BEKOMAT range provides the 12, 13, 14 and 16 standard drains for virtually every application, which are not just the correct solution, rather more also the most suitable low-energy solution. The integrated capacitive sensor for level-controlled condensate discharge helps save energy and enhances efficiency – which is what you would expect from a BEKOMAT.

Overhaul of ABC HORIZON 1400

The regular maintenance was carried out in 2 consecutive years by the team of TUNGS-STAR on an ABC Horizon 1400 compressor at Plastipak Romania SRL in Urlati. The 40 bar PET compressor is powered by a 280 kW motor equipped with VSD. It has 3 stages with 4 horizontally opposed cylinders.

New industrial air equipment

New 15 kW MATTEI compressor was installed next to an old 7.5 kW Mattei compressor to assure the increased production of a local company.
TUNGS-STAR is responsable for providing solutions and maintenance for the industrial air system.